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Stay up to date with Boost and the C++ ecosystem with the latest news, videos, resources, polls, and user-created content. Signed-in users may submit items to include in the feed (posts are reviewed before publication). (RSS)

Peter Turcan
Jul 17th, 2024
Peter Turcan
Christian Mazakas
Jul 15th, 2024
Christian Mazakas
Krystian Stasiowski
Jul 15th, 2024
Krystian Stasiowski
Alan de Freitas
Jul 14th, 2024
Alan de Freitas
Kenneth Reitz
Jul 14th, 2024
Kenneth Reitz
Rubén Pérez
Jul 14th, 2024
Rubén Pérez
Mohammad Nejati
Jul 12th, 2024
Mohammad Nejati
Sam Darwin
Jul 12th, 2024
Sam Darwin
Dmitry Arkhipov
Jul 12th, 2024
Dmitry Arkhipov
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Jul 9th, 2024
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Matt Borland
Jul 8th, 2024
Matt Borland
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Jun 5th, 2024
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Joaquín M López Muñoz
May 23rd, 2024
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Alan de Freitas
May 8th, 2024
Alan de Freitas
Krystian Stasiowski
May 1st, 2024
Krystian Stasiowski
Christian Mazakas
Apr 30th, 2024
Christian Mazakas
Rubén Pérez
Apr 30th, 2024
Rubén Pérez
Mohammad Nejati
Apr 30th, 2024
Mohammad Nejati
Sam Darwin
Apr 29th, 2024
Sam Darwin
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Apr 29th, 2024
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Matt Borland
Apr 29th, 2024
Matt Borland
Dmitry Arkhipov
Apr 29th, 2024
Dmitry Arkhipov
Rubén Pérez
Apr 18th, 2024
Rubén Pérez
Rubén Pérez
Apr 8th, 2024
Rubén Pérez
Boost 1.85.0 closed for all changes
When Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024
Louis Tatta
Mar 17th, 2024
Louis Tatta
Calendar here:

Next deadline:
The master branch will close for the beta next Wednesday.

— The release managers
Louis Tatta
Feb 28th, 2024
Louis Tatta
The review of Zach Laine’s proposed Boost.Parser library begins today and will end on February 28th.

From the introduction page of the documentation:

Boost.Parser is a parser combinator library. That is, it consists of a set of low-level primitive parsers, and operations that can be used to combine those parsers into more complicated parsers.

There are primitive parsers that parse epsilon (the empty string), chars, ints, floats, etc.

There are operations which combine parsers to create new parsers.…
Louis Tatta
Feb 19th, 2024
Louis Tatta
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Feb 9th, 2024
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
This high-performance library offers efficient string and numeric conversions, without exceptions. Thanks to Review Manager Christopher Kormanyos.

Louis Tatta
Feb 7th, 2024
Louis Tatta
Take full advantage of RAII for easy and safe resource management, transactional code and more.

Louis Tatta
Jan 25th, 2024
Louis Tatta
February 19, 2024 - February 28, 2024
Big thanks to Marshall Clow for volunteering to be the review manager.
Louis Tatta
Jan 18th, 2024
Louis Tatta
Please consider posting a review on the Boost Mailing List.
Louis Tatta
Jan 18th, 2024
Louis Tatta
Krystian Stasiowski
Jan 12th, 2024
Krystian Stasiowski
Dmitry Arkhipov
Jan 12th, 2024
Dmitry Arkhipov
Mohammad Nejati
Jan 12th, 2024
Mohammad Nejati
Christian Mazakas
Jan 11th, 2024
Christian Mazakas
Sam Darwin
Jan 11th, 2024
Sam Darwin
Rubén Pérez
Jan 11th, 2024
Rubén Pérez
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Jan 11th, 2024
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Matt Borland
Jan 11th, 2024
Matt Borland
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Dec 24th, 2023
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Thanks to everyone who participated in the release!

— Marshall
Louis Tatta
Dec 14th, 2023
Louis Tatta
The first release candidates for the 1.84.0 release are now available at:

The SHA256 check-sums are as follows:

cc4b893acf645c9....3e7949c24109454 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.tar.bz2)
cc77eb8ed25da4d....947b6b268cc76a4 (
81a4d1007573196....8eba66e40014f25 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.7z)
a5800f405508f5d....a1c7c3383045724 (boost_1_84_0_rc1.tar.gz)

As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the candidate of your choice and gi…
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Dec 7th, 2023
René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
Don’t forget your release notes, too!

— Marshall
Louis Tatta
Dec 6th, 2023
Louis Tatta
The master branch is now open for bug fixes and documentation changes.
Other changes by release manager permission, as described in

The next deadline: On December 6th, master closes for all changes.

As always, the calendar is at
Louis Tatta
Nov 16th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Available at: <>

The SHA256 checksums are as follows:

f8a9f2158096153....f1e37ae2c590410 boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.tar.bz2
3e4765c41974c76....c9458e5004c59dc boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.7z
de9b35e232e4b17....6ce6d109c088e99 boost_1_84_0_b1_rc1.tar.gz

As always, the release managers would appreciate it if you download the
candidate of your choice and give building it a try. Please report both
Louis Tatta
Nov 9th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Nov 8th, 2023
Louis Tatta
The master branch closed for major code changes.
Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes without release manager review.

The master branch will close for the 1.84.0 beta release next Wednesday.
Louis Tatta
Nov 2nd, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Nov 2nd, 2023
Louis Tatta
Spencer Strickland
Nov 1st, 2023
Release closed for major code changes.
Still open for serious problem fixes and docs changes without release manager review.
Louis Tatta
Oct 31st, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 31st, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 31st, 2023
Louis Tatta
Dmitry Arkhipov
Oct 30th, 2023
Dmitry Arkhipov
Louis Tatta
Oct 29th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Matt Borland
Oct 29th, 2023
Matt Borland
Louis Tatta
Oct 28th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 27th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 27th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 27th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 27th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Oct 27th, 2023
Joaquín M López Muñoz
Louis Tatta
Oct 25th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 19th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Louis Tatta
Oct 12th, 2023
Louis Tatta
Rubén Pérez
Oct 10th, 2023
Rubén Pérez