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The following example treats command line arguments as a sequence of numeric data

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <vector>

int main(int /*argc*/, char * argv[])
    using boost::lexical_cast;
    using boost::bad_lexical_cast;

    std::vector<short> args;

    while (*++argv)
        catch(const bad_lexical_cast &)

    // ...

The following example uses numeric data in a string expression:

void log_message(const std::string &);

void log_errno(int yoko)
    log_message("Error " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(yoko) + ": " + strerror(yoko));

The following example converts some number and puts it to file:

void number_to_file(int number, std::FILE* file)
    using buf_t = std::array<char, 50>;
    buf_t buffer = boost::lexical_cast<buf_t>(number); // No dynamic memory allocation
    std::fputs(, file);

The following example takes part of the string and converts it to int:

int convert_strings_part(const std::string& s, std::size_t pos, std::size_t n)
    return boost::lexical_cast<int>( + pos, n);

In this example we'll make a stringize method that accepts a sequence, converts each element of the sequence into string and appends that string to the result.

Example is based on the example from the Boost C++ Application Development Cookbook by Antony Polukhin, ISBN 9781849514880. Russian translation: ISBN: 9785970608685.

Step 1: Making a functor that converts any type to a string and remembers result:

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

struct stringize_functor {
    std::string& result;

    explicit stringize_functor(std::string& res)
        : result(res)

    template <class T>
    void operator()(const T& v) const {
        result += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(v);

Step 2: Applying stringize_functor to each element in sequence:

#include <boost/fusion/include/for_each.hpp>
template <class Sequence>
std::string stringize(const Sequence& seq) {
    std::string result;
    boost::fusion::for_each(seq, stringize_functor(result));
    return result;

Step 3: Using the stringize with different types:

#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_pair.hpp>

int main() {
    std::tuple<char, int, char, int> decim('-', 10, 'e', 5);
    if (stringize(decim) != "-10e5") {
        return 1;

    std::pair<int, std::string> value_and_type(270, "Kelvin");
    if (stringize(value_and_type) != "270Kelvin") {
        return 2;

    return 0;

In this example we'll make a to_long_double method that converts value of the Boost.Variant to long double.

#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>

struct to_long_double_functor: boost::static_visitor<long double> {
    template <class T>
    long double operator()(const T& v) const {
        // Lexical cast has many optimizations including optimizations for situations that usually
        // occur in generic programming, like std::string to std::string or arithmetic type to arithmetic type conversion.
        return boost::lexical_cast<long double>(v);

// Throws `boost::bad_lexical_cast` if value of the variant is not convertible to `long double`
template <class Variant>
long double to_long_double(const Variant& v) {
    return boost::apply_visitor(to_long_double_functor(), v);

int main() {
    boost::variant<char, int, std::string> v1('0'), v2("10.0001"), v3(1);

    const long double sum = to_long_double(v1) + to_long_double(v2) + to_long_double(v3);
    if (11 < sum  && sum < 11.1) {
        return 0;  // OK, as expected

    return 1;      // FAIL
