Boost news learn community libraries releases

  • boost 1.86.0 :
    • Fixed conversion of std::basic_string_view and boost::basic_string_view containing one or more \0 characters. Issue was introduced in 1.85.0.
  • boost 1.85.0 :
    • Significant rewrite of the internal logic to separate optimized and C++ Standard Library IO-based streams:
      • C++ Standard Library based streams now constructed in less cases leading to better performance;
      • less template instantiations and simpler code;
      • always use std::char_traits (do not use custom traits from input/output types as it leads to linktime or runtime errors);
      • support for volatile input types was dropped, following the C++ Standard Library trend.
    • Optimized conversions from std::basic_string_view and boost::basic_string_view
    • Dropped dependency on Boost.NumericConversion and Boost.MPL. Fixed some cases of converting floting point types to arithmetics.
    • The library now works fine with -fno-sanitize-recover=integer.
  • boost 1.84.0 :
    • Dropped support of C++98 and C++03.
  • boost 1.56.0 :
    • Added boost::conversion::try_lexical_convert functions.
  • boost 1.54.0 :
    • Fix some issues with boost::int128_type and boost::uint128_type conversions. Notify user at compile time if the std::numeric_limits are not specialized for 128bit types and boost::lexical_cast can not make conversions.
  • boost 1.54.0 :
    • Added code to convert boost::int128_type and boost::uint128_type types (requires GCC 4.7 or higher).
    • Conversions to pointers will now fail to compile, instead of throwing at runtime.
    • Restored ability to get pointers to lexical_cast function (was broken in 1.53.0).
  • boost 1.53.0 :
    • Much better input and output streams detection for user defined types.
  • boost 1.52.0 :
    • Restored compilation on MSVC-2003 (was broken in 1.51.0).
    • Added lexical_cast(const CharType* chars, std::size_t count) function overload.
  • boost 1.51.0 :
    • Better performance, less memory usage for boost::array<character_type, N> and std::array<character_type, N> conversions.
  • boost 1.50.0 :
    • boost::bad_lexical_cast exception is now globaly visible and can be catched even if code is compiled with -fvisibility=hidden.
    • Now it is possible to compile library with disabled exceptions.
    • Better performance, less memory usage and bugfixes for boost::iterator_range<character_type*> conversions.
  • boost 1.49.0 :
    • Restored work with typedefed wchar_t (compilation flag /Zc:wchar_t- for Visual Studio).
    • Better performance and less memory usage for boost::container::basic_string conversions.
  • boost 1.48.0 :
    • Added code to work with Inf and NaN on any platform.
    • Better performance and less memory usage for conversions to float type (and to double type, if sizeof(double) < sizeof(long double)).
  • boost 1.47.0 :
    • Optimizations for "C" and other locales without number grouping.
    • Better performance and less memory usage for unsigned char and signed char conversions.
    • Better performance and less memory usage for conversions to arithmetic types.
    • Better performance and less memory usage for conversions from arithmetic type to arithmetic type.
    • Directly construct Target from Source on some conversions (like conversions from string to string, from char array to string, from char to char and others).
  • boost 1.34.0 :
  • boost 1.33.0 :
    • Call-by-const reference for the parameters. This requires partial specialization of class templates, so it doesn't work for MSVC 6, and it uses the original pass by value there.
    • The MSVC 6 support is deprecated, and will be removed in a future Boost version.
  • Earlier :
    • The previous version of lexical_cast used the default stream precision for reading and writing floating-point numbers. For numerics that have a corresponding specialization of std::numeric_limits, the current version now chooses a precision to match.
    • The previous version of lexical_cast did not support conversion to or from any wide-character-based types. For compilers with full language and library support for wide characters, lexical_cast now supports conversions from wchar_t, wchar_t *, and std::wstring and to wchar_t and std::wstring.
    • The previous version of lexical_cast assumed that the conventional stream extractor operators were sufficient for reading values. However, string I/O is asymmetric, with the result that spaces play the role of I/O separators rather than string content. The current version fixes this error for std::string and, where supported, std::wstring: lexical_cast<std::string>("Hello, World") succeeds instead of failing with a bad_lexical_cast exception.
    • The previous version of lexical_cast allowed unsafe and meaningless conversions to pointers. The current version now throws a bad_lexical_cast for conversions to pointers: lexical_cast<char *>("Goodbye, World") now throws an exception instead of causing undefined behavior.
