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boost::hana Namespace Reference

Namespace containing everything in the library. More...


 Namespace containing C++14 user-defined literals provided by Hana.


struct  has_common
 Metafunction returning whether two data types share a common data type. More...
struct  is_default
 Returns whether a tag-dispatched method implementation is a default implementation. More...
struct  is_convertible
 Returns whether there is a Hana-conversion from a data type to another. More...
struct  is_embedded
 Returns whether a data type can be embedded into another data type. More...
struct  integral_constant_tag
 Tag representing hana::integral_constant. More...
struct  integral_constant
 Compile-time value of an integral type. More...
struct  basic_tuple
 Stripped down version of hana::tuple. More...
struct  basic_tuple_tag
 Tag representing hana::basic_tuple. More...
struct  IntegralConstant
 The IntegralConstant concept represents compile-time integral values. More...
struct  common
 Metafunction returning the common data type between two data types. More...
struct  default_
 Mark a tag-dispatched method implementation as a default implementation. More...
struct  tag_of
 Metafunction returning the tag associated to T. More...
struct  embedding
 Marks a conversion between data types as being an embedding. More...
struct  when
 Enable a partial specialization only if a boolean condition is true. More...
struct  lazy
 hana::lazy implements superficial laziness via a monadic interface. More...
struct  lazy_tag
 Tag representing hana::lazy. More...
struct  map_tag
 Tag representing hana::maps. More...
struct  map
 Basic associative container requiring unique, Comparable and Hashable keys. More...
struct  optional
 Optional value whose optional-ness is known at compile-time. More...
struct  optional_tag
 Tag representing a hana::optional. More...
struct  pair
 Generic container for two elements. More...
struct  pair_tag
 Tag representing hana::pair. More...
struct  range
 Compile-time half-open interval of hana::integral_constants. More...
struct  range_tag
 Tag representing a hana::range. More...
struct  set
 Basic unordered container requiring unique, Comparable and Hashable keys. More...
struct  set_tag
 Tag representing the hana::set container. More...
struct  string
 Compile-time string. More...
struct  string_tag
 Tag representing a compile-time string. More...
struct  tuple
 General purpose index-based heterogeneous sequence with a fixed length. More...
struct  tuple_tag
 Tag representing hana::tuples. More...
struct  basic_type
 Base class of hana::type; used for pattern-matching. More...
struct  type
 C++ type in value-level representation. More...
struct  type_tag
 Tag representing hana::type. More...


template<typename T , typename U >
using common_t = typename common< T, U >::type
 Alias to common<T, U>::type, provided for convenience. More...
template<typename T >
using tag_of_t = typename hana::tag_of< T >::type
 Alias to tag_of<T>::type, provided for convenience. More...
template<typename ... >
using when_valid = when< true >
 Variant of when allowing specializations to be enabled only if an expression is well-formed. More...


 Defines a model of Struct with the given accessors. More...
 Defines a model of Struct with the given members. More...
times A (T_1) \times \cdots \times A(T_n) \to A(U) @f$. const expr auto ap
 Lifted application. More...
 Defines members of a structure, while at the same time modeling Struct. More...


constexpr auto always
 Return a constant function returning x regardless of the argument(s) it is invoked with. More...
constexpr auto apply
 Invokes a Callable with the given arguments. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto arg
 Return the nth passed argument. More...
constexpr auto capture
 Create a function capturing the given variables. More...
constexpr auto compose
 Return the composition of two functions or more. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto curry
 Curry a function up to the given number of arguments. More...
 Invoke a function with the results of invoking other functions on its arguments. More...
constexpr auto fix
 Return a function computing the fixed point of a function. More...
constexpr auto flip
 Invoke a function with its two first arguments reversed. More...
constexpr auto id
 The identity function – returns its argument unchanged. More...
constexpr auto infix
 Return an equivalent function that can also be applied in infix notation. More...
constexpr auto lockstep
 Invoke a function with the result of invoking other functions on its arguments, in lockstep. More...
constexpr auto on
 Invoke a function with the result of invoking another function on each argument. More...
constexpr auto overload
 Pick one of several functions to call based on overload resolution. More...
constexpr auto overload_linearly
 Call the first function that produces a valid call expression. More...
constexpr auto partial
 Partially apply a function to some arguments. More...
constexpr unspecified _ {}
 Create simple functions representing C++ operators inline. More...
constexpr auto reverse_partial
 Partially apply a function to some arguments. More...
template<typename S >
constexpr auto accessors
 Returns a Sequence of pairs representing the accessors of the data structure. More...
constexpr auto all
 Returns whether all the keys of the structure are true-valued. More...
constexpr auto all_of
 Returns whether all the keys of the structure satisfy the predicate. More...
constexpr auto and_
 Return whether all the arguments are true-valued. More...
constexpr auto any
 Returns whether any key of the structure is true-valued. More...
constexpr auto any_of
 Returns whether any key of the structure satisfies the predicate. More...
constexpr auto append
 Append an element to a monadic structure. More...
constexpr auto at
 Returns the nth element of an iterable. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto at_c
 Equivalent to at; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto at_key
 Returns the value associated to the given key in a structure, or fail. More...
constexpr auto back
 Returns the last element of a non-empty and finite iterable. More...
constexpr auto comparing
 Returns a function performing equal after applying a transformation to both arguments. More...
constexpr auto concat
 Combine two monadic structures together. More...
constexpr auto contains
 Returns whether the key occurs in the structure. More...
constexpr auto in = hana::infix(hana::flip(hana::contains))
 Return whether the key occurs in the structure. More...
template<typename Tag , typename optional_T >
constexpr auto is_a = see-documentation
 Returns whether the tag of an object matches a given tag. More...
template<typename Tag , typename ... T>
constexpr auto is_an = is_a<Tag, T...>
 Equivalent to is_a; provided for consistency with the rules of the English language.
template<typename Tag >
constexpr auto make
 Create an object of the given tag with the given arguments. More...
template<typename To >
constexpr auto to
 Converts an object from one data type to another. More...
constexpr auto count
 Return the number of elements in the structure that compare equal to a given value. More...
constexpr auto count_if
 Return the number of elements in the structure for which the predicate is satisfied. More...
constexpr auto cycle
 Combine a monadic structure with itself n times. More...
constexpr auto div
 Generalized integer division. More...
constexpr auto drop_back
 Drop the last n elements of a finite sequence, and return the rest. More...
constexpr auto drop_front
 Drop the first n elements of an iterable, and return the rest. More...
constexpr auto drop_front_exactly
 Drop the first n elements of an iterable, and return the rest. More...
constexpr auto drop_while
 Drop elements from an iterable up to, but excluding, the first element for which the predicate is not satisfied. More...
template<typename M >
constexpr auto empty
 Identity of the monadic combination concat. More...
constexpr auto equal
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is equal to y. More...
constexpr auto eval_if
 Conditionally execute one of two branches based on a condition. More...
constexpr auto filter
 Filter a monadic structure using a custom predicate. More...
constexpr auto find
 Finds the value associated to the given key in a structure. More...
constexpr auto find_if
 Finds the value associated to the first key satisfying a predicate. More...
constexpr auto first
 Returns the first element of a pair. More...
constexpr auto fold = fold_left
 Equivalent to fold_left; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto for_each
 Perform an action on each element of a foldable, discarding the result each time. More...
constexpr auto front
 Returns the first element of a non-empty iterable. More...
constexpr auto fuse
 Transform a function taking multiple arguments into a function that can be called with a compile-time Foldable. More...
constexpr auto greater
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is greater than y. More...
constexpr auto greater_equal
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is greater than or equal to y. More...
constexpr auto if_
 Conditionally return one of two values based on a condition. More...
constexpr auto index_if
 Finds the value associated to the first key satisfying a predicate. More...
constexpr insert_t insert {}
 Insert a value at a given index in a sequence. More...
constexpr auto insert_range
 Insert several values at a given index in a sequence. More...
constexpr auto intersperse
 Insert a value between each pair of elements in a finite sequence. More...
constexpr auto is_disjoint
 Returns whether two Searchables are disjoint. More...
constexpr auto is_empty
 Returns whether the iterable is empty. More...
constexpr auto is_subset
 Returns whether a structure contains a subset of the keys of another structure. More...
constexpr keys_t keys {}
 Returns a Sequence containing the name of the members of the data structure. More...
constexpr auto length
 Return the number of elements in a foldable structure. More...
constexpr auto less
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is less than y. More...
constexpr auto less_equal
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is less than or equal to y. More...
template<typename A >
constexpr auto lift
 Lift a value into an Applicative structure. More...
constexpr auto max
 Returns the greatest of its arguments according to the less ordering. More...
constexpr auto members
 Returns a Sequence containing the members of a Struct. More...
constexpr auto min
 Returns the smallest of its arguments according to the less ordering. More...
constexpr auto minus
 Subtract two elements of a group. More...
constexpr auto mod
 Generalized integer modulus. More...
constexpr auto mult
 Associative operation of a Ring. More...
constexpr auto negate
 Return the inverse of an element of a group. More...
constexpr auto none
 Returns whether all of the keys of the structure are false-valued. More...
constexpr auto none_of
 Returns whether none of the keys of the structure satisfy the predicate. More...
constexpr auto not_
 Negates a Logical. More...
constexpr auto not_equal
 Returns a Logical representing whether x is not equal to y. More...
template<typename R >
constexpr auto one
 Identity of the Ring multiplication. More...
constexpr auto or_
 Return whether any of the arguments is true-valued. More...
constexpr auto ordering
 Returns a function performing less after applying a transformation to both arguments. More...
constexpr auto permutations
 Return a sequence of all the permutations of the given sequence. More...
constexpr auto plus
 Associative binary operation on a Monoid. More...
constexpr auto power
 Elevate a ring element to its nth power. More...
constexpr auto prefix
 Inserts a value before each element of a monadic structure. More...
constexpr auto prepend
 Prepend an element to a monadic structure. More...
constexpr auto product = see documentation
 Compute the product of the numbers of a structure. More...
 Remove all the elements of a monadic structure that are equal to some value. More...
constexpr auto remove_at
 Remove the element at a given index from a sequence. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto remove_at_c
 Equivalent to remove_at; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto remove_range
 Remove the elements inside a given range of indices from a sequence. More...
template<std::size_t from, std::size_t to>
constexpr auto remove_range_c
 Equivalent to remove_range; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto repeat
 Invokes a nullary function n times. More...
template<typename M >
constexpr auto replicate
 Create a monadic structure by combining a lifted value with itself n times. More...
constexpr auto reverse
 Reverse a sequence. More...
constexpr auto scan_left
 Fold a Sequence to the left and return a list containing the successive reduction states. More...
constexpr auto scan_right
 Fold a Sequence to the right and return a list containing the successive reduction states. More...
constexpr auto second
 Returns the second element of a pair. More...
constexpr auto size = hana::length
 Equivalent to length; provided for consistency with the standard library. More...
constexpr auto slice
 Extract the elements of a Sequence at the given indices. More...
template<std::size_t from, std::size_t to>
constexpr auto slice_c
 Shorthand to slice a contiguous range of elements. More...
constexpr auto suffix
 Inserts a value after each element of a monadic structure. More...
constexpr auto sum = see documentation
 Compute the sum of the numbers of a structure. More...
constexpr auto take_back
 Returns the last n elements of a sequence, or the whole sequence if the sequence has less than n elements. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto take_back_c
 Equivalent to take_back; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto take_front
 Returns the first n elements of a sequence, or the whole sequence if the sequence has less than n elements. More...
template<std::size_t n>
constexpr auto take_front_c
 Equivalent to take_front; provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto take_while
 Take elements from a sequence while the predicate is satisfied. More...
template<typename M >
constexpr auto tap
 Tap inside a monadic chain. More...
constexpr auto then
 Sequentially compose two monadic actions, discarding any value produced by the first but not its effects. More...
template<template< typename ... > class F>
constexpr auto template_
 Lift a template to a Metafunction. More...
template<template< typename ... > class F>
constexpr auto metafunction
 Lift a MPL-style metafunction to a Metafunction. More...
template<typename F >
constexpr auto metafunction_class
 Lift a MPL-style metafunction class to a Metafunction. More...
constexpr auto integral
 Turn a Metafunction into a function taking types and returning a default-constructed object. More...
template<template< typename ... > class F>
constexpr auto trait = hana::integral(hana::metafunction<F>)
 Alias to integral(metafunction<F>), provided for convenience. More...
constexpr auto unpack
 Invoke a function with the elements of a Foldable as arguments. More...
template<typename T >
constexpr auto value
 Return the compile-time value associated to a constant. More...
constexpr auto value_of
 Equivalent to value, but can be passed to higher-order algorithms. More...
constexpr auto while_
 Apply a function to an initial state while some predicate is satisfied. More...
template<typename M >
constexpr auto zero
 Identity of plus. More...
constexpr auto zip
 Zip one sequence or more. More...
constexpr auto zip_shortest
 Zip one sequence or more. More...
constexpr auto zip_shortest_with
 Zip one sequence or more with a given function. More...
constexpr auto zip_with
 Zip one sequence or more with a given function. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace containing everything in the library.

Variable Documentation

◆ repeat

constexpr auto boost::hana::repeat
Initial value:
= [](auto const& n, auto&& f) -> void {
f(); f(); ... f();

Invokes a nullary function n times.

Given an IntegralConstant n and a nullary function f, repeat(n, f) will call f n times. In particular, any decent compiler should expand repeat(n, f) to

f(); f(); ... f(); // n times total
nAn IntegralConstant holding a non-negative value representing the number of times f should be repeatedly invoked.
fA function to repeatedly invoke n times. f is allowed to have side effects.


// Copyright Louis Dionne 2013-2017
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// (See accompanying file or copy at
#include <string>
namespace hana = boost::hana;
int main() {
std::string s;
for (char letter = 'a'; letter <= 'g'; ++letter)
hana::repeat(hana::int_c<3>, [&] { s += letter; });
BOOST_HANA_RUNTIME_CHECK(s == "aaabbbcccdddeeefffggg");
Defines macros to perform different kinds of assertions.
Definition: assert.hpp:209
Defines boost::hana::integral_constant.
Namespace containing everything in the library.
Definition: accessors.hpp:20
constexpr auto repeat
Invokes a nullary function n times.
Definition: repeat.hpp:42
Defines boost::hana::repeat.